2015年5月7日 星期四

W3 Total Cache在WooCommerce上的設定

W3 Total Cache 這麼好用的東西。




Configuring caching plugins

Excluding pages from the cache↑ Back to Top

If using caching plugins (such as WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache), make sure you exclude the following pages from the cache through their respective settings panels:
  • Cart
  • My Account
  • Checkout
These pages need to stay dynamic since they display information specific to the current customer.
Note, WC 1.4.2+ sets the DONOTCACHEPAGE, constant which means you can skip this step

W3 Total Cache Minify Settings↑ Back to Top

Ensure you add ‘mfunc’ to the ‘Ignored comment stems’ option in the Minify settings.
Screen Shot 2014-06-03 at 16.15.30

WP-Rocket↑ Back to Top

logo-wp-rocketWooCommerce 2.1+ is fully compatible with WP-Rocket. No extra configuration is needed. All WooCommerce pages are automatically detected and not cached.
We recommend avoiding JavaScript files minification.

Varnish↑ Back to Top

if (req.url ~ "^/(cart|my-account|checkout|addons)") {
 return (pass);
if ( req.url ~ "\?add-to-cart=" ) {
 return (pass);
If you would like to learn more about how to use Varnish code, please visit their website on how to install it on your server.

HTML Compression/minification plugins↑ Back to Top

You should thoroughly test plugins that minify html when using them in combination with caching plugins. We include a HTML comment to prevent the caching of the cart widget in the sidebar – some minification plugins strip this comment, causing the cart widget to be cached.

